Collaborative True North
Brands can become True North for the communities they serve. Today, brands must explore their deepest roots to ensure that the brand experience maps to fulfilling the brand promise at all constituent touchpoints. The brand promise is a tool for the brand and has the potential to improve the condition of both the brand and the individual in society: whether Boomer, Gen X’er or Millennial. This requires consistent reflection of the brand’s purpose throughout all brand constituent touch-points. In turn, the market’s appetite for the brand’s products and services grows in volume and potency, while loyalty increases, in turn reducing churn.
All people who come into contact with a brand are potential advocates, and brands can become True North for their customers and/or fans- ultimately growing returns due to the efforts not only of paid staff, but also mutually committed communities of customers and partners.
A noble purpose inspires sacrifice, stimulates innovation and encourages perseverance.
~ Gary Hamel